Advising, illustration

Employee Investigations

With the abolition of tribunal fees and rise in workplace litigation it has never been more important to ensure employee investigations are fair and legal.

A thorough investigation can manage the emotions of the parties and plays an essential part in resolving workplace disputes without exposing the organisation to reputational, financial or litigious risk.

We can provide:
Investigation Training

We’ll tailor the content and duration of the course to your specific needs. We’ll equip your team with the necessary skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviour required to conduct an effective employee investigation.

The training will enable your employees to:

  • identify when a workplace investigation is required
  • understand the relevant legal and ethical issues that arise throughout the investigation process
  • demonstrate effective interview skills through listening and questioning
  • analyse the findings of the investigation to generate appropriate outcomes
  • deliver a balanced report with clear recommendations.

Who should attend?

Anyone likely to be involved in undertaking or supporting workplace investigations:

  • Team Leaders
  • Managers
  • HR Professionals
  • Company secretaries
  • Employee representatives.

If you have a large group, or you’d like to upskill your managers we can deliver bespoke training at your workplace.

Investigation Support

Working closely with one of your team, we can provide guidance and supervision throughout the investigation process.

We’ll agree the scope of the project from the outset taking into consideration the level of support you’ll require. We’ve provided an example below:

What Capital can provide What you can provide
An experienced investigating officer An employee who understands the investigation process
Interview scripts and witness statements Meeting invitations
Ongoing support throughout the process The main point of contact for your employees
Chair of all investigation meetings Note taker support
The final investigation report


Why choose investigation support?

  • Further training – Shadowing one of our investigators can provide the final stage of training.
  • Empowerment – If a member of your team needs the confidence or experience of managing the procedure from beginning to end.
  • Reduced fee – By providing administrative support you’ll reduce your fee whilst gaining first-hand experience.

Investigation Leadership

We’ll take complete ownership of the investigation; from when you instruct us of the allegations to delivering our recommendations at the conclusion of the process.


  • agree a detailed plan and fee estimate
  • provide a regular breakdown of the work undertaken
  • keep you informed of developments throughout the process
  • provide an experienced investigator and note taker
  • draft every interview script and witness statements
  • administer the invites of all the investigation meetings
  • lead every meeting
  • respond to any queries or concerns your employees may have
  • submit a comprehensive final report providing clear conclusions and recommendations
  • present the findings of the investigation in an outcome meeting.